Sunday, October 23, 2011

Using the Garden II

The pumpkins weren't a success and the beans are pretty much gone, but the tomatoes are still thriving:

Found some cucumbers in the back vegetable bed. Surprise!

This morning, I ate hash browns made from our own potatoes:

Last weekend I picked some flowers and I am also surprised they are doing so well still:

I had purchased two bunches of local zinnias at Market of Choice and they didn't last two days. These from my garden are 9 days old! The planters are plugging along. Moths had eaten away at my scented geranium; I cut on it and it is coming back beautifully. The hydrangea is slowing, but still has a bloom.I purchased a yellow chrysanthemum three to four weeks ago:

I used some blueberry twigs in the above bouquet. The bushes are looking gorgeous in their fall colors:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Front Bed II

Much to my disappointment, something ate all the buds on my pumpkin plants while I was on vacation. Very much too my disappointment. I've never had such troubles from bugs and grubs other than slugs. :) I had moths all over my scented geranium and Japanese beetles.

The peas were certainly a better choice than the beans, perhaps the choice of a colder-weather variety also helped.

In lieu of my own pumpkins, I regret to inform you I had to purchase a couple...

I must admit though, I think he's the best one I have yet to carve.

I will carve the other at a later date, extending the festivities throughout the month.

Friday, October 21, 2011

More Harvesting

After returning from vacation, I discovered my garden was just about where I left it a week earlier. The corn was still small and the tomatoes not very ripe. Potatoes though -oh potatoes- were ready for diggin'. A little small, but then again I don't eat heaps of potatoes to begin with.

The tomatoes were still very green:

In an effort to remedy the verdant color of my fruit, I thinned up the leaves on the plants. They did not seem to mind.

My flowers:

Very few smiling faces of flowers to greet me on my return. But if you look close, you'll see the primroses. :) that's enough for me!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Grandparent's Garden

The last time I was home, in mid-September, I admired my grandparent's garden:


I picked flowers from my mother's garden on the same trip: