Thursday, February 9, 2012


A friend passed along a jar (originally for stuffed green olives) after she didn't have a lot of luck using it as a terrarium. I decided to give it a shot and if it really worked for me I'd make her one too. :) 

The JAR.

The supplies.

Supplies include a jar, plants, cutters, gloves, decorative rock, pumice for drainage, and charcoal for filtration.

Layer 1: pumice
Layer 2: charcoal

Layer 3: soil


I do have to admit I gathered the plants from the forest. I wanted a native, woodland feel and plants that could thrive in a closed terrarium. Where better to find those plants than in an Oregon forest? :)

Here's a better look inside:

I even made a much smaller terrarium. We'll see how well it fairs.

Plants included in my large terrarium are:

Latin Name Common Name
Claytonia sibirica Siberian Miner's Lettuce, Candy Flower
Goodyera oblongifolia Rattlesnake-Plantain
Hypogymia inactiva Forking Bone
Isothecium myosuroides Cat-Tail Moss
Polypodium Glycyrrhiza Licorice Fern
Viola adunca Early Blue Violet

Why, yes! I did take the time to identify my moss and my lichen. Thank you very much for noticing. :) It was with help from my Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. (And yes, I underlined that because it is a book title. My elementary school librarian would be proud.)

Disclaimer (or a "just-for-your-information"): None of these species are listed as being "rare" according to the Oregon Flora Project, or the US Forest Service (pertaining to Oregon) for that matter. I did not take more than a 1.5-foot by 1.5-foot area's worth of plant material anyway. Some of what is in the supply picture is also bits of fallen branches. If you were looking to take quite a bit more than I did or wanted to sell the plant material, you could get a permit from the US Forest Service.


  1. I still have your glass apothecary jar from your last attempt of a terrarium.


    1. Well... I hope this attempt is more successful. I will try a terrarium with it again.
